Total number of words in the currently searchable texts: 14695
Select dialects and / or localities:
Select filters and press Search:
Words in concordance:
Search pattern:
Up to 2000 words
Author of the text: Olga Mladenova
Filtering with a search pattern:
Entering a search pattern limits the resulting word list to
words matching the pattern. If no pattern is entered, no limitations apply.
Below are the filtering rules and examples. Clicking a pattern
copies it into the pattern box.
Search patterns are special text strings, called regular expressions. They comply
with the rules of regular expressions. For details regarding these rules see Examples for filtering of words:
Containing letters "xy...": напред - напреде, однапреде, отнапред
Starting with letters "^xy...": ^дом - дом, домне, домниторъ
Ending with letters "...yz$": ане$ - геране, зъмане, иване
Mask any single letter "x.y": о.ма - корманъ, нойма, пlатформа
Mask 0 or 1 letter "x?": ър?де - бъде, бърде, съде, сърдеа ъ.?де - бръзди, бъде, бърде, къде
Mask 0 or more letters "x*": ма.*к - маlко, макар, мачкъ, романски
Mask 1 or more letters "x+": ма.+к - маlко, мачкъ, романски
Alternative strings "x|y|z": аво|еди - един, завое
Alternative letters "[xyz]": [л|l|н]ем - гуlеми, гулеми, жънеме
Avoid letters "[^xyz]": [^л]ему - гуlему, нему
Combine letters "(xyz)": (г|п)ът - другътъ, път, гропъта
Set string length from i to j "{i,j}": е{2}м - вършееме, сеем, сееме
Filter all words ... ^.{3,4}$ - with 3 or 4 letters ^[вд].*ъ$ - starting with в or д and ending with ъ ъ.$ - with ъ as the last letter but one ^[^l]{1,}$ - containing any letters but l [a-z]+ - containing at least 1 Latin letter Limiting words displayed to 2000:
When this option is checked, the number of words to be displayed is limited to
a maximum of 2000. Whenever this limit is not enough to display all the captured
words, a note saying More words follow...
is appended at the end of the word list.
In this case, pressing "Search" again will return the next portion of 2000 words.
When the last words available have been displayed,
a note saying No more words is appended at the end of the word list.
Pressing "Search" now will reset the word list to the first captured word.
The word list may be reset at any time by pressing "Reset".
Selecting a range of dialects and/or localities:
When a range of localities is selected, the resulting word list is limited
to words used by informants in these localities.
A range may be selected by (un)checking one or more dialects, which will
result in the (de)selection of the localities in which this dialect is spoken.
After certain dialects have been selected, some localities may be checked or unchecked to
further refine the selected range. Note: The selected localities
and not the selected dialects will determine the search results.
Alternatively, a range may be selected by (un)checking one or more localities
leaving dialects as they are.
(Un)checking the option "all localities" will simultaneously select or deselect
all the localities and dialects.
Clicking a word opens its concordance box. The box contains lines of
text for all occurrences of this word, regardless of the selected
range of villages. Each line shows the word of interest in its
context. The context scope may be predefined using the "Words in
concordance" dropdown box to 6, 12 or 24 words on either side of the
word of interest. Whenever the context scope is limited to a smaller
number of words due to a theme boundary (the beginning or end of a
text), the limit is indicated with a "daisy" ✼.
When the cursor is positioned over a line, a pop-up window shows the origin
of the text contained in this line in format: Village Record.Subrecord (Line,Word) [Theme],
e.g. when searching for 'офча̀ръ' it says: Băléni-Sấrbi 1.9 (14.4) [533].
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